This website is statically generated and using Astro since its 1.0.0-rc.1 version.

├── public/
└── src/
    ├── components/  # components to re-use inside pages
    ├── content/     # collections of content
    ├── layouts/     # page layouts
    ├── pages/       # pages exposed as routes (dynamic routes with [brackets])
    └── style/       # global styles

Every time a commit is pushed, GitHub Actions will build and deploy this website to an AWS S3 bucket.

Source code:

Old stack

The stack mentioned above is replacing the following one:

Gulp is used to automate the build process. The base of the site generator is Metalsmith, the stylesheets are compiled from SASS using the Bourbon library and Neat for the responsive grid. Templates are written with Handlebars and the content in Markdown with YAML frontmatter. Comments to the blog posts are retrieved from this repository’s issue page using GitHub’s API and rendered using Vue.js.

After a succesful build the website is automatically deployed by Travis on an AWS S3 bucket.

Last commit with the old stack on Github: 49d02f4