Track Notes: GT3 Imola
Courtesy of Wikipedia - Imola Circuit
The following are some track notes for the Imola circuit to act as a quick reference for GT3 racing. Some gears might vary depending on the car.
Target lap times
Pro: 1:39.5
Pro-Am: 1:42.0
Am: 1:44.0
Track guide
Sector 1
Turn 1 - Variante Bassa: straight line.
Turn 2 - Variante Tamburello: braking point is just after the orange
emergency exit marker. Shift down to 2nd
, careful with the turtle curb as it
can unsettle the car.
Turn 3 - Variante Tamburello: better to avoid the yellow curbs to be able to
apply throttle earlier in 2nd/3rd
gear. Do not use the exit curb but try to
stay in the middle of the track to prepare for the next turn.
Turn 4 - Variante Tamburello: can be taken full throttle in dry conditions,
potentially shifting up to 4th
gear. The exit has a serrated curb, use it
fully only if dry. Shouldn’t worry about track limits here.
Turn 5 - Variante Villeneuve: braking point is at the 50m board. Shift down
to 4th/3rd
gear, careful with the yellow curbs. Sacrifice the exit by keeping
the car on the left.
Turn 6 - Variante Villeneuve: start braking as soon as the car is straight
down to 3rd/2nd
gear, pay attention to the yellow curbs. Serrated curb on the
exit, use it fully in dry conditions without worrying about track limits.
Sector 2
Turn 7 - Tosa: braking point is at the 50m board, down to 2nd/1st
with a late apex at focusing on the exit. Serrated curb on exit should be
avoided in wet conditions.
Turn 8: kink.
Turn 9 - Piratella: braking point is at the 50m board, apex while using the
inside curb in 3rd
gear, just after the two yellow curbs. Serrated curb on
exit, careful with the track limits.
Turn 10: continuation of turn 9, keep the car on the left side.
Turn 11 - Acque Minerali: braking point is at the 50m board, down to 3rd
gear, turn the car in to just touch the apex in 4th gear.
Turn 12 - Acque Minerali: slow down as soon as possible to 2nd
gear. Try
to take advantage of the compression as the track goes uphill.
Turn 13 - Acque Minerali: on the exit of turn 12, use the serrated curb in dry conditions. Be careful wiht track limits.
Sector 3
Turn 14/15 - Variante Alta: start braking just before the start of the left
curbing, shifting down to 2nd/1st
gear to thread the car between the sausage
curbs. On exit, do not go past the serrated curb to avoid track limits.
Turn 16: straighten the car on exit as soon as possible to prepare for the next turn.
Turn 17 - Rivazza: braking zone is downhill and should start as soon as the
car is straight near the 100m board, shifting down to 2nd/1st
gear. No need to
worry about track limits (avoid gravel).
Turn 18 - Rivazza: just before the end of the right curb, shortly tap the
brakes and take the turn in 1st/2nd
gear. Avoid the inside yellow curb while
using the exit serrated curb in dry conditions.
Turn 19: fast kink.